31 October 2005

New toy

Well, such a deal! For my birthday, my lovely wife got me an iPod. Black, 30G, the new one that does video. It's really cool! Yeah, I know I'm pretty late to this particular party, but I've invested a lot into some good stereo gear over the years, so I tend to listen to music at home and in the car, not *everywhere* that I go. Oh sure, I've wished I'd had something I could listen to while mowing the lawn and stuff, but not so often that I've ever actually gone out and purchased something.

I've been watching the iPod Phenomenon, as I'm sure all geeks have, and I've been really amazed at the speed and depth of its penetration. I get the occasional overpriviliged Yuppie catalog, and they're all loaded with iPod accessories -- FM transmitters to play your tunes in the car, docks and speakers and holsters and armbands and cases and lanyards and on and on. I usually don't glance much at these, but yesterday I saw that Klipsch makes an iPod dock, and now I want one. It's too expensive, but it looks like a nice rig, and if it really is made to Klipsch standards, then it could be pretty sweet.

Oddly enough, this is really our second iPod. I actually got one (a pink Mini) for my wife the last time we were going on vacation, but she opined that she wouldn't use it that much, and that we could do something better with the money. Yesterday, after playing with mine, she admitted that she kind of regrets sending it back. Her birthday's coming up in a month or so, I wonder...

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